Curatorial Research Residencies


Past Curatorial Research Residencies


Mother Tongue has undertaken several curatorial research residencies as part of our practice, including:

  • Montréal scoping visit, February 2017, supported by the British Council Canada.
  • Helsinki International Artist Programme (HIAP) & Finnish Fund for Art Exchange (FRAME) - 1st-29th February, 2012, including a public presentation. 
  • Nordic Africa Institute (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet), Uppsala,  Guest Researchers, October - November 2012.
  • Creative Lab Residency at the CCA Glasgow, in collaboration with Craig Mulholland, July 2013.
  • Fresh Milk Barbados curatorial research residency, Jan 26th - 2nd March 2015. Blog posts documenting this residency are available here: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, and Week 4.